Further, in the 2000 paper, Steven Brown observes that
music emphasizes sound as emotive meaning and language emphasizes sound as referential meaning.
One of the attractions of poetry is, of course, that it does both.
Coincidentally, the arguments in this short article about the biological paradoxes of music, is equally applicable to language, dance, storytelling, and poetry. So, too, his comments about musical autonomy in the West -- when something like music becomes its own spontaneous order, it continues to overlap with other social orders, but it also develops a pure core. The same is true of language, dance, storytelling and poetry -- we have self-referential language modern dance, metafiction, and self-referential poetry. Postmodern music, fiction, and poetry are a natural consequence of these artistic orders' full development as autonomous orders.
Neurological consilience--an excellent extension of Wilson's concept, back to the concrete.